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Gabriel's Products & Services

Increasing clarity & confidence for young architectural designers.

Archi Practice Ebook (PDF Download)


Discovering Your Architectural Flavour Workshop (1hr Online Workshop Video)


What people are saying about my Ebooks

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I think this book is the book that every graduate, and New and current professionals must have. This book incorporates a lot of great content that we find in our daily life at work. It helps to build your confidence due the amount of knowledge you will acquire.

— Helena

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I like that the info present are succinct and comprehensive with useful visuals! Also found the bookmarking to be very helpful in navigating through the different chapters! Thank you for sharing, and well done!

— Eunice

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Lot of efforts that goes into putting concise clear knowledge in such a clear minimal fashion.

Helps me a lot to train junior architects and Engineers at our Architecture Firm!

All the best for upcoming exciting products and books!

Definitely recommended.

— Tanmay S.